Terms & Conditions


Welcome to Paperlink.app. This “Agreement” jointly refers to all the terms, conditions, notices and instructions referenced or contained in this document (the “Terms and Conditions”) and every other operating rules, regulations and policies (including our Privacy Policy available on the Web App) and other necessary guidelines which we may occasionally publish on the Service.

The “Service” collectively refers to the software, or Web App made available by Paperdaz, “The User” (“You” or “Your”) implies the person, entity or corporate organisation that has accessed or is currently using the Service.

“Paperdaz” (“We” or “Us”) refers to Paperdaz, our partners, associates, subsidiaries, directors, licensors, contractors, agents, officers, and employees.


Children below the age of 18 years are not eligible to access or use the Service. To this end, our Services are not directed towards anyone under the age of 18. Also, we do not collect personally identifiable information from Users who we know to be less than 18 years old. We should be promptly notified if we have requested or collected personally identifiable information from users below 18 years of age and we will duly delete such information.


  • You acknowledge and consent that we may make modifications to, or stop providing, the Service, or limit the use of the Service and/or, at any time without prior notification to you.

  • You are exclusively responsible for all data, mobile carrier, SMS, telecommunications and internet fees and bills sustained as a result of your use of the Service.

  • You acknowledge and consent that we can disable your account or deny you access to the Service, without prior notification to you, for any or no reason at all, including but not limited to any breach of these Terms and Conditions or if we speculate that you have accessed and used any portion of the Service to carry out any unlawful activity. If we disable your account, you may not be allowed to access the Service, your account details or any materials contained in your account.


Our Service may include links or attachments to other websites and materials provided by third parties (“Linked Websites”). The purpose of the Linked Websites is to provide information only and are exclusively for your convenience. We exercise no control over, neither do we accept or claim any responsibility for the products or content of such Linked Websites. Also, we do not claim or accept any responsibility for the loss or damage that may arise from your use of the Linked Websites.

If you decide to use the Linked Websites, you do so only at your sole risk and according to the terms and conditions, including the privacy policy of the Linked Websites.

Our website may also contain promotions or advertisements from third parties. By permitting the third parties to advertise on our Services, we do not make any warranties or representations in respect or the products or the services advertised or promoted.


All intellectual property rights (including the various rights conferred on Paperlink.app by statute, common law and equity in and in relation to copyright, trademarks, patents, trade names, service marks and designs- referring to the “look and feel” and other visual or non-literal contents) whether registered or otherwise under our Services. These apply to all the text, design, graphics, photos, sounds, music, videos, software, and their arrangement and selection, and all compilations of software, underlying source code and software (scripts and applets) of our Services, are owned by or licensed to us. You shall not attempt to obtain or bypass any title to such intellectual property rights. To this end, ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED.

As a result, none of those mentioned above materials or content may be copied, reproduced, distributed, downloaded, republished, posted, displayed or transferred in any format or through any media, rented, sold or sub-licensed, create derivative works of, or exploited in any way without the prior written permission from us. Also, you may not modify, copy, reproduce, or distribute or use for commercial reasons any of the content or materials on our Services without the prior written permission from us.


The service is provided by Paperlink on “as is” and “as available” basis without any warranty whatsoever. Without limiting the preceding, we explicitly disclaim all warranties, whether implied or express or statutory, regarding the Service including without limitation to any warranty of merchantability, warranty of fitness for a specific purpose, security, title, accuracy, and non-violation.

Paperdaz does not warrant that the Service will meet your specific requirements; that the Service will not be disrupted, that they will be secure, timely, or free from errors. Similarly, Paperdaz does not warrant that the information provided therein will be reliable, accurate or correct; that any errors or defects will be promptly corrected; that the Service will be available at any given location and time; or that they will be free of malware, viruses or other harmful codes.

You assume full liability and risk of loss as a result of downloading or using of files, content, information or other material obtained from the Service.


You acknowledge and consent that Paperdaz will not be liable to you or any third party for any loss of profits, goodwill, use or data, or for any incidental, special, consequential, indirect or exemplary damages, that result from:

  • the disclosure, use, or display of your content;

  • your use or failure to use the Service;

  • any modification, discontinuance or suspension of any part of the Service;

  • the general outlay of the Service or the systems or software that makes our service available;

  • unsolicited access to or modifications of your transmissions or data;

  • any other communications you initiated, or you received through the use of the Service; or

  • any other issue involving the Service.

Paperdaz liability is limited whether or otherwise we have been notified of the likely occurrence of such damages, and even if a resolution outlined in this Agreement failed its essential purpose. Paperdaz has no liability for any delay or failure due to matters beyond our rational control.


If you have any reason to believe that any content of our Service breaches your copyright, please do contact us in compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Policy. If you are an accredited copyright owner and you have any reason to believe that any content on this website breaches your rights, please do contact us through our email [email protected].

Please be informed that there may be legal repercussions for sending a frivolous notice of copyright breach. Before sending us such a request, you must consider legal points such as licensed use and fair uses.

We will terminate the accounts of chronic violators of this policy.


You accept to indemnify us, defend us and hold us harmless from and against all liabilities, claims, and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, arising from your use of the Service, including but not limited to your breach of this Agreement, provided that we

i. promptly gives you prior notification of the demand, claim, proceeding or suit;

ii. gives you exclusive control of the defence and settlement of the demand, claim, proceeding or suit (given that you may not settle any demand, claim, proceeding or suit except the settlement unconditionally frees Paperdaz of all liability); and

iii. makes available at your disposal all necessary assistance.


Paperdaz reserves the exclusive right, at its discretion to amend or modify these Terms and Conditions at any time and will update these Terms and Conditions in the event of such amendments and modifications. We will duly notify you of any material changes to this agreement at least 30 days before the amended Terms and Conditions become effective. For non-material amendments, your further use of the Service represents your consent to the revised Terms and Conditions.

We reserve the right at any time, as we deem it necessary to amend or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Service (or any part of it) with or without notice.


Except to the extent provided by the applicable law, otherwise, this Agreement between you and Paperdaz and any access to or use of the Service are governed by the Federal laws of Malaysia, without regard to provisions of the conflict of the law. You and Paperdaz consent to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the courts located in Kuala Lumpur.


If any section of this Agreement is considered to be invalid and unenforceable, that portion of the Agreement will be interpreted to reflect the parties’ initial intent. The remaining sections will remain effective. Any failure by Paperdaz to enforce any provision of this Agreement will be deemed as a waiver of our right to enforce such provision. Our rights under this Agreement will suffice beyond the cancellation of this Agreement

Privacy Policy


The primary objective of this Privacy Policy Statement is to keep you informed about the practices of Paperdaz.

The Privacy Policy relates to what information is submitted by or collected from the Users and how such information may be used, shared and stored.

Paperdaz is the manager of all information. Paperdaz is also in charge of processing your personal information.


The policy explained below is binding according to the English and US Laws and including that which is a mandatory requirement for the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

In compliance with the requirements of the law, we enlighten you on your rights and our duties when it concerns the use and control of your information.

We do not disclose, share or sell any information collected from Users through our Service to any third party except as specified and detailed in this Privacy Policy.

In compliance with GDPR guidelines, Paperdaz is the “data processor,” and our Users are “data controllers.” Our Users are responsible for accepting information gathering requirements and meeting up with other privacy requirements for each User.

We have built our Service in a manner that secures the privacy of our esteemed Users regarding their detail. We respect and value our User’s right to privacy.


Personally Identifiable Information (PII) that we collect from individual Users are stated below:

Information That You Submits: Upon your visit and using our website, or whenever we may collect information like your Email, Business name, Address, Country, First name, last name, phone number and other information as requested.

Communication Information: you acknowledge and agree that we may request for details of your communications or interactions when you contact our customer care team. These interactions or communications are recorded for the singular purpose of evaluation and training. This is to enhance and improve the quality of our Service delivery to you. You agree that any material you shared is processed along with what other users submitted.

Information We Automatically Collect

Our applicable third-party service providers and us will automatically collect information which may generally include your device Internet Protocol (IP) address, browser details, internet service provider (ISP), device operating system, and platform type.

We may also involve the use of one or more cookies that may uniquely identify your account or browser, and date and time stamp from your browsing device and its software anytime you access or use the Service. You need to accept the use of cookies for you to have full access to the Service. Some browsers have been enabled to automatically accept cookies. Such can be disabled through the browser settings. Appropriate preference about cookies can be selected from the browser setting.

We may also collect “Usage Data” which consist of information about your activity on and usage of the Service and the Services.

Information about service usage: we may collect details about your navigations and through the Service. The details collected may consist of information such as the pages you viewed, how you navigate through the service and its insights.

Information about your location: presently, we do not obtain information about your actual geographical location or corresponding coordinates, but we may collect such information in the future but not without your prior consent. Information such as the IP address that we harvested from Users can be used from time to time to estimate or evaluate a device’s location.

Third party information: you accept and agree that we may collect some information that pertains to your use of our website, this information may be collected too. Appropriate third party agents may supply us with contact details, internet navigation details (which ascertains whether you are a robot or not through the way you navigate through the Service), information that checkmates fraud and partnering with financial institutions will also relay to us all transaction information and methods relating to the subscription or paid services that you use on the Service.

You acknowledge and consent appropriately, that the Personal information gathered from your usage of our website may be linked with the information collected automatically from your browser and device. This is done providing you with a personalised and satisfactory experience notwithstanding your relations with us.


When you are visiting or accessing our Service for the first time, we will ask if you wish to allow the use of cookies on your browsing device. Users are permitted to choose to allow or disallow the use of cookies, and we may not use cookies on your first visit to the Service except for recording that you did not allow the use of cookies or for other such purposes. You consent that you will not be able to effectively use all the features and functions on our Service if you disable or disallow the usage of cookies on your browser or if you deactivate it from your browser settings.


We have put in place adequate security measures to safeguard against misplacement, abuse, and tampering of information stored in our database.

We engage the use of the appropriate level of care and control to ensure that we provide a secure transfer of data between your device and our servers. As a result, it is known that the transmission of data through the internet is not guaranteed to be 100% safe and secure. Hence, we will not ascertain the absolute security of any data transmitted through the internet. Therefore, we do not accept liability for such unintended disclosure.


Periodically, our Service may contain some third-party website links. If you chose to click or follow the provided link, in your sole discretion, please be notified that these websites or links have their privacy practices and policy. Therefore, we cannot be held responsible for the efficiency of such policies on the websites or links. Hence, you are advised to read their privacy policies and practices before you submit any personal information to the websites and links.


You consent that we may modify, update or change this Privacy Policy document as we consider necessary, in our exclusive discretion. Similarly, periodic revisions will be carried out on this document. The User is admonished to review this Privacy Policy document regularly. Modifications, updates or revisions are considered effective once they have been published on this page.